Saturday, December 2, 2017

Cost of the Fight

In the last few months I have seen some odd happenings and rulings in court and attorneys who gave clients information.  I have seen fair rulings by judges for sure but one judge openly said that he believed my report and that the documents were forged but he ruled in favor of the other side.  The other side was bank and mortgage companies.

Someone recently used my services and were advised by one attorney that attorneys can be believed and not to be doubted and then a different attorney told them that on Wills and Trusts if a person gave someone permission to sign their individual name (even if the person wasn't their official Power of Attorney) then it was legal and that even if the name was not written correctly, that could be an understandable mistake.  I was shocked at both instances.  Since when is forgery an acceptable route and not punishable or a person who perpetrates a forgery is seen as just 'smarter than the ones they got the best of'?

This type of information causes me to shake my head but it doesn't cause me to want to give up.  There are still judges that will render fair judgements.  There are still attorneys who will fight for their clients even if it is an uphill battle.  In conclusion, the important thing in making a decision on what the next action should be is this:  am I willing to put forth a fight even if I lose the battle?  We all want to win our battles, but, unfortunately some battles are lost.  The cost of the fight must always be evaluated.  What a person is willing to lose must be part of the decision.  My heartfelt desire is that wisdom be a guiding light in the decisions made.     

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